May 13

I always cherish and take note of the signs of the season, they are enjoyable to note. I saw my first robin a few weeks ago and just over a week ago the trees started to bud in our area.

May 6

Thank You Lord for helping me to submit into Your will. I don’t always see where we are going but You are with me.

May 5

Thank You Lord for saving our son from harm when he opened the door on our vehicle and fell out on our yard. I could have driven him over.

May 4

I surely am thankful for the times my heart tells me “It’s time to give your wife a compliment, she deserves it. You have not been as kind as you should have been lately.”

May 1

Thank You Lord that no matter how much good we do in this world we can never earn Your love; instead You give it freely in a packaged miracle to those who humbly ask.