Sometimes the only available transportation is a leap of faith.
November 3
The more seriously we work on our imperfections, the less judgement we place on others’ faults.
November 2
A definition of manipulation is when one’s words and actions do not sound the same.
November 1
There is an art to subduing an enemy without fighting.
October 31
Success consists of going from failure to failure without the loss of enthusiasm.
October 30
Since an arrogant person considers himself perfect, it interferes with his main task in life, becoming a better person.
October 29
If God did not exist it would be necessary to invent Him.
October 28
When life gives you a Monday, dip it in glitter and sparkle all day.
October 27
Life is made of many partings welded together.
October 26
Little things make big days.
October 25
If you take the team out of teamwork, all you have is work.
October 24
There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude.
October 23
You can’t always have a good day, but you can always face a bad day with a good attitude.
October 22
It is a privilege to clean a home made dirty by healthy children playing, clean dishes dirtied because we ate three meals today, and do laundry because we had clothes to wear.
October 21
Maturity is when you learn to stop trying to change others and focus on changing yourself.