I am using my past experiences to become a better me.
July 26
Whenever you feel sad play with a child, the smile you receive will lighten your load.
July 25
Sometimes you have to go through the worst to get to the best.
July 24
Be the reason someone feels loved.
July 23
Not everyone is given the chance to grow old; appreciate every day and thank God for what you have.
July 22
Nothing makes a person more productive than the last minute.
July 21
Society has gotten to the point where everybody has right but no one has responsibility.
July 20
Normalize teaching people instead of belittling them; once upon a time you didn’t know either.
July 19
When sweat and purpose are present, drama isn’t.
July 18
Things you can give and still keep are your word, a smile, and a grateful heart.
July 17
If people opened their Bibles as often as they opened their mouths this world would be a better place.
July 16
May I never forget on my best day that I still need God as desperately as on my worst day.
July 15
Life is such a great teacher that when you don’t learn the lesson, it will repeat.
July 14
No matter where you are have a little talk with Jesus!
July 13
People wait all week for Friday, all year for Summer, and all their life for happiness. Yet life is the moment we are living now.