People say motivation doesn’t last; neither does bathing but we still do it frequently.
December 27
Christmas is found in the heart, not under a tree.
December 26
Christmas is doing a little extra for someone.
December 25
How amazing is God’s love for us!
December 24
Come and see the Saviour that is born tonight. You will have to stoop to worship Him.
December 23
Have you ever lost a son you loved? Consider what God has allowed to happen for your sins.
December 22
Christ is bringing hope for you this season.
December 21
If you follow the guiding star you will find Christ.
December 20
The amazing Christmas story is asking to be repeated!
December 19
The King of Kings is coming to visit your home this season!
December 18
If you listen closely you will hear the heralding song of the angels off the hills.
December 17
Times change, years speed by, but Christmas continues sacred.
December 16
The disease of “someday” is something you don’t want to catch.
December 15
There is something beautiful about a billion stars and galaxies held steady by a God who knows what he is doing.
December 14
When you see someone as God intended them to be it is with eyes of love.