When the weapon of choice is Truth Tempered With Love, many barriers fail.
January 25
Finding chores for a child often requires significant effort from an adult. However, a child with purpose and a sense of accomplishment will be happier than one who spends all day pleasing self.
January 24
Today the ruthless devil will lie to you, twist the truth, dilute the truth, mix truth and lies, and then hurl it all at you as fast as he can.
January 23
When approaching Christ in prayer try changing this question to a statement: “Art thou the King?” into “Thou art the King!”
January 22
When a loved one makes a journey to a country from which they cannot return, the ones left behind keenly feel the beckoning that transcends time.
January 21
Scars that can’t be seen are the hardest to heal.
January 20
The rich have money but only the wealthy have time.
January 19
Positive thoughts are the steering wheel that moves us in the right direction.
January 18
The scariest paths often lead to the most rewarding places.
January 17
An artist takes a block of wood and brings out what it was meant to be. Parents often try to sculpture their children to be what they want them to be, not what the children where meant to be.
January 16
God’s compassion never fails.
January 15
Saying good-bye to a parent requires taking another step into the ocean of faith; one more tether of security gone.
January 14
God’s love seeks out those who are lost while the Devil’s hate seeks those who are saved.
January 13
The best cure for a bad day is a good friend.
January 12
How many kisses can I give my ginger on Kiss a Ginger Day?