Bonds of Love

It is totally unfair the bonds that my wife and children have wrapped around me. It is called a bond of love. When they smile pleasantly and say “Please” my heart melts and I have no choice but to give them what they want. Of course I am exaggerating with the previous sentences, often I am too selfish and sometimes they ask for things they should not have. However, I rejoice on the days that my heart feels at peace with them and I have tender thoughts towards them.

A reason to live

It’s crazy, but I really am dependant on my wife. She is my stability. She gives me a reason to live. She gives me a reason to love and to do good. How can I ever accept the responsibility of loving her back? I fail so often but I am deeply grateful for the partnership we have.

Would I still love?

Someone asked me the question today – If you had your earthly things taken away from you would you still be you? Would you still trust God? Would you still love? Or would you be bitter? I want to be deeply thankful for what we have been given and realize it is a gift. Also if God chooses to take it away, surely He can provide some other way.

Feasting on Love

I have been given a feast of love today. My children are happy, my wife loves me, we have money to survive, I have joy in my heart. Why am I sometimes tempted to think negative? So many have it worse then me; they have marriage problems, they are hungry, they have wars in their countries and so on. I have been feasting and, thankfully,  I have enough to share with others.

Telephone to Heaven

Today I was longing for a telephone to Heaven. I wanted to talk to my friends who have gone before. I wanted to talk to my Grandparents to ask what Heaven is like. I wanted to talk to God, just to hear His voice speak clearly to me. I am thankful for the longing for Heaven that I have.

Hungry for truth

Do you ever feel hungry for God’s direction in your life? Do you ever feel like you need and want to read the Bible? Stop and thank the Lord for the need you have of Him. It is a special gift to cherish when we have need of our Lord and He loves it when we need Him.

Hardships bring opportunity

It is tough to have a rosy attitude when life hands you lemons. However, remember that every time you face hardship there is also opportunity. Somebody is watching you. If I can make it through my hardship cheerfully my children will remember that. I wish you courage to face the day.


I remember our son when he was almost 2 and a half hiking in the forest. He was little to take on a hike and I thought I would be carrying him but he liked to walk. We made sure we took it at his pace. He would stop to look at moss or at flowers. Sometimes he came to rocks bigger then he was and he would gamely try to climb. We went nearly 3 miles over rough terrain; roots, rocks, up and down. I want to persevere more in fighting the battle of negative thinking.


The other day I was struggling with being frustrated and short with my children but come evening time I requested they lotion my feet since they had been cracking from dryness. They found it amusing and fun. After they had done that I lay on the floor and asked them to rub my back and they were delighted to do that for me. Then I asked them to comb my hair and they enjoyed that and I could just feel the stress and tension evaporate out of me. Thank you Lord for the enthusiasm of children.

Peace with God

Somebody left me the thought the other day that if we are not fighting God then we are at peace with Him. I sometimes worry about my peace in the midst of the struggles, temptations, frustrations, and stresses I have. However, I feel that I truly want God to be the center of my life and I am not fighting Him.

I don’t have much to bring

I don’t have much to bring but I long to be with my King and Saviour, Jesus. I can bring Him my selfishness, my pride, my stubbornness. I can also bring Him my love, repentance, and my heart that longs to serve Him. Here I am Lord; thank you for accepting me as Your child.

Good for Evil

This last week I have been extremely tempted to treat a friend the way he treated me. To mock him and laugh at him and make fun of him. However, I have decided that I want to be the type of man that returns good for evil. I want him to receive the good I would want to have. It is not easy but through grace I have been victorious so far over revengeful thoughts.

Riches in contentment

My wife, children and I we live mostly in harmony. We are happy together. We love each other. Many times I hear the children playing contentedly. I am rich beyond measure of kings to have a household full of love.

Taking life slow

Yesterday I went down the stairs in a hurry, when I got to the bottom I noticed my 1-year-old daughter following me. The thought came to me wait for her. When she reached the bottom we walked hand in hand together to my destination. I am thankful for those thoughts when they come. Take life slow enough that my children can keep up.


Plans Change

God wants the best for you and me. Sometimes when we come to a curve in the road and we need to adjust or change our plans; we become stressed about it and fearful. However, when God changes our plans it is to allow for something better. Thank you for being in control, Lord.