I was blessed to be taught Bible stories at a young age, most of them have stuck with me. I am unworthy to be blessed with parents who invested so much in me.
April 19
The sun is so amazing on spring days! There can be snow on the ground and the breeze may be cold but the sun is strong enough to conquer. I will pause today to drink up the sun and enjoy its blessings.
April 18
Some say God has abandoned them; they lose their job, divorce, estranged children, friends leave, etc. I say it is because of God’s great love that my life can be held together. Without God and left with my selfishness I would be vile.
April 17
I was given pause early this morning as I listened to the birds chirping and singing. I spent some time contemplating the beauty of spring and the new life it brings. What a beautiful day!
April 16
The world is full of sensational, titillating news available at your fingertips but most of it is bad news. Is it a wonder so many suffer from depression and fear? The good news today is that Christ will forgive your sins and mine if we but ask.
April 15
It has a been said that a man is as happy as he makes up his mind to be. Today I choose to put aside negative thinking and choose to be happy, I have so much.
April 14
I have a vision and wish today; I want that when my hair is white and my house is empty of children then I want my wife by my side and I want my children to come home and have and make fond memories. It is a goal to work towards and it will take diligent patience and understanding for me as a father.
April 13
I am thankful today that I was healthy in my childhood. Many children battle diseases or hunger. I was never good enough to play competitive sports but I could play sports and spent many happy hours doing so.
April 12
One of my friends recently said that they had a rule between them as spouses that only one of them would yell at one time; the other spouse needed to listen. If they both yelled then nobody was listening; and they had to have a way of communicating. I am thankful for the times when I could lay my ideas down and just listen to my wife even when I thought she was wrong. Listening is one of those things that sets apart fathers from men and boys.
April 11
There is one tidbit that I recently came across when it comes to relating socially with others. If you want to collect honey don’t kick over the bee hive. I want to have positive, gracious thoughts of others so that I can collect lots of honey, I would rather encourage and complement my friends then set them straight with words of criticism when they do things wrong.
April 10
Remember today to look for the silver lining in each cloud you see. The cloud that is black with horror is big with mercy. See the positive in the depressing. I want to help you win the thoughts of darkness with positive ones with this blog; it is a fight that I know about.
April 9
God has promised that He will never leave us, He will never leave me. We have the choice to turn our backs on God but as long as time continues God continues to be with us and love us even when we make wrong choices. What a truly great God!
April 8
My Saviour is merciful and kind. I came to Him repenting of my selfishness, frustration and anger I had felt toward my children today. He simply forgave me and gave me peace. I will need to make it up to my children but it is so much easier with Christ on my side.
April 7
Recently we stayed at a motel for night and needed to get up early to start the day of travel. Our children were still sleeping but as my wife switched on the light our 1-year-old instantly woke up. Then she followed her mother around and copied her when she gently shook and rubbed the backs and called the names of our other children. So cute. It is amazing how toddlers can grasp our hearts with the simplest of things.
April 6
I had so many advantages growing up. My parents were not rich but they were not poor. We had bikes and toys. My parents loved each other and they are still together and happy. This is just a start of the valuables I had growing up but I will stop for today and dwell on these because I realize that they are important.