May 20

Today I want to thank God for the potholes on memory lane. They have taught me how to avoid future problems and they have taught me how to fix problems even when they seemed insurmountable.

May 19

What goes on in your head radiates out on your face. Today I want to rid myself of negative thinking and have cheerful, enthused thoughts. It is a struggle for me because I tend to be pessimistic but I will try again today.

May 18

Remember today that you can not be pushed by your problems but must be led by your dreams. There will be things in your life you are powerless to change but you can always dream. Be enthused and thankful for the good.

May 17

How did you choose a partner? I simply married my best friend and we have only got closer since then. Thankfully we are still writing the story.

May 16

I am thankful for grace. I am not perfect; rather I am impatient, unkind, unhappy far too often. Despite this my family continues to love me and God continues to forgive and offer grace if I admit my faults.

May 15

Thank God for laughter! Children can be frustrating but their laughter is so contagious! Adults can be so sober but laughter makes them younger.

May 14

Instead of your first thoughts being this morning “Poor me!” try thanking God for being alive. I am healthy, I have a family, I have friends, and more.

May 13

I am thankful for today, I will never have this day again. I want to fill it with gratefulness and service for others, besides the normal things of life.

May 12

I thank God for protecting me from what I thought I wanted and blessing with what I didn’t know I needed. God knows better than me what is best for my happiness.

May 11

Today I just wanted to thank my wife for her part in my journey. It is because of her that I have a spring in my step.

May 9

I can’t force people to be a part of my life so today I am thankful for those people who have chosen to be a part of my life and continue to connect with me. It starts with those who are my family, who choose kindness and compassion and love each day for me and then it extends to many friends and contacts.

May 8

We need to consider today that happiness does not make us grateful but that gratefulness makes us happy. I am striving for less negative thinking and more thankfulness, that is why I write this blog.

May 7

I have been thinking lately of how lucky I am to live in a great country. Canada has low crime rates, health care is free, I enjoy the climate, the economy is good, and more. It is the country I was born in and I am thankful for the opportunities here and the great people around me.

May 6

I am not in control of what happens around me but I am in control of happens within me. Today I choose to fill my heart with love and patience and my mind with joy and peace. When I find the opposite creeping in I will make every effort to alter the course of my thoughts.