June 4

What if love was like a cafeteria line where you could pick who and what you wanted on your plate? Not that in-law or this neighbour but that one with extra cheese? Until you have laid down your life for your friends, especially those times you really don’t understand but you do it anyway, you will find it hard to understand that the first sentence today is false love. 

June 3

Thank You God for all You have permitted. The beauty around me, within me, and beside me is astounding! Life is in the birds, the trees, the bugs, my family. The sun shines at Your command and the rain waters the earth with Your providence.

June 2

God forbid that my last words would be words of anger to my wife or children. I will try today to speak words of endearment to them. I am thankful for the times God has corrected me and I have apologized for the harsh tone or words I have used.

June 1

Today I want to love my wife, my children, and those around me. I want to take time to understand my family. Who knows if I will have tomorrow with them?

May 31

A recent tragedy has caused me to thank the Lord for protection from harm and for my healthy children. He is so gracious. I wonder how will God reveal His grace to a grandpa who, in accident, has backed over his 3-year-old granddaughter with a vehicle and killed her?

May 30

This morning I am thankful for the cheery singing of the birds. Their life is not easy but they are nearly always happy. Shut your eyes and listen to the lesson the birds are giving you.

May 29

I am amazed and thankful today for God’s overwhelming grace. No matter how often you have sinned or how big your sin; God wants you to be His and if you and I come to Him with a broken and a contrite heart He will forgive.

May 28

It is not enough to keep bad thoughts out but we must let the good in. Focus on the good deeds of others, remember the times you were victorious over impatience, sing of God’s grace when tempted with unforgiveness, take note of the beauty of the morning instead of the ugliness of your job.

May 27

Jesus has put out a help wanted poster. Who will choose to respond? He needs people to try their best and be angels in disguise. Today my time is His and I will try to listen for the call to serve in some small way. 

May 26

Do you have someone who you find difficult to get along with? A co-worker? Family member? I want to remember those today who I find hard to get along with; pray for them, speak kindly to them, and most of all, find ways to build as many bridges as possible rather then building walls.

May 25

People will forget what you said, and people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Compassion cannot be neglected today but is a choice; and where I make others feel blue I will try to correct it. My smile will surely inspire others and will come back to me. 

May 24

They say frustration is the result of failed expectations. So today I will lower my expectations so that I can be pleasantly surprised and pleased. I wonder if I can have big enough dreams also that life will be a challenge at the same time? 

May 23

When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different. It makes you feel safe and comfortable. I am thankful for the friends I have and their words encouragement, I want more gracefulness to say kind words also. 

May 22

Until recently we had been unusually dry for spring but we got 1.5 inches of rain on Friday. It came down so gently I could just stand at the window and watch. I am so thankful for the rain we, now everything will come to life. 

May 21

There is a story in the Bible of the people, almost annoyingly, following Jesus and being so enthralled that they forget about their hunger so Jesus feeds them. I want to follow Christ and listen in wonder to His voice. Thank You Jesus for inspiring me!

Jesus & Multitude