Thank You God that no matter where and when but if my thoughts reach out to You, You are there to listen and care.
July 19
I am thankful today for the ministry of working hands filled with love. My wife is very good at this one; she cooks, cleans, does laundry, takes care of children, etc. May my hands be used today for others and joy be in my heart.
July 18
Thank You Lord for the privilege of returning the love You give to me. Help it to bubble out of my cup to You and then to others.
July 17
I may have been born with nothing but I have gained tremendous wealth in the love that Jesus gives.
July 16
Thank God that we will not be judged by the opinion of those around us but by the work we do for Christ and the attitude in our hearts while we do that work.
July 15
Thank you God for helping me to believe in You at times when doubt assails my mind. You are my hope.
July 14
Jesus took me very seriously when He gave His life on the cross. Today I will take Him just as seriously and lay my life at His feet.
July 13
What delight a father gets to have his young children sit on his knee! Someday I want to sit on my Heavenly Father’s knee, look into His eyes, comb His beard, and receive a hug from everlasting arms.
July 12
Thank God for all the water on Earth. It baffles scientist why Earth has so much water since water elsewhere in the solar system is nearly non-existent; life is dependant on water.
July 11
I want to thank God above for the availability of the Christian word. We have many Bibles, Bible story books, and other Christian books in our home.
July 10
Thank you father for the opportunity to raise children. I have truly been blest.
July 9
Life is like the keys of a piano; the black keys are mournful and the white keys joyful but together they create beautiful harmony. Close your eyes and enjoy the harmony of life.
July 8
I am thankful for the times my wife has given me a compliment. It makes me feel good and lets me know she appreciates me.
July 7
I am thankful for the cheery flowers of summer. And I am thankful that I can take time to enjoy them.
July 6
Thank you Lord for the times you have reminded me to be understanding with my wife. My agenda always seems so important but then You remind me to put my wife before myself.