I have a goal in mind for my children; they do not need to be perfect but I want to raise them to love the Lord. Try my heart today, Father, and I thank You for perfecting my love to You.
June 16
There is a place where God can be found; that place has forgiveness and grace. Sometimes I find myself needing to forgive almost hourly because of some slight but I am thankful that forgiveness can be found in my heart for then God is there.
June 15
I am so thankful today that loving my children comes natural. Yes, I get frustrated with them and it comes out in actions and words sometimes but if I humbly admit my problem the relationship is fully restored.
June 14
I wonder if the words of praise you and I use will be repeated in Heaven? The Bible talks of God breathing the incense of praise and prayers. How unworthy but thankful I am that I can praise Him today.
June 13
Unlike adults children want to be happy. Today I am thankful for the example of children and the laughter they bring to life’s walk.
June 12
It said that to grow flowers of gratitude they must be planted in the soil of prayer. Today I thank God that I enjoy my prayer life I share with Him.
June 11
Jesus does his best work with those who are down and out. Thank You Jesus for being there when I am in need. So many times you have been there in my darkest hours.
June 10
Thank You Father that I am created equal to all men. Nobody is below me nor anyone above me but I can love and care for each one.
June 9
Thank You Father for the times You have helped me to have patience to wait on You. Sometimes I don’t understand the way you wish me to take but You then come and calm me.
June 8
Thank You Father that my hands are capable. So many have disease, deformities, injuries and more. Mine are fully functional and I want to remember to use them not only for myself but for others and for the Lord.
June 7
Today I am thankful for the beauty and the awesomeness of the night sky. When I take note of the magnificent sky and its vastness it makes me feel both small and insignificant but also large and powerful that I can take it all in.
June 6
Thank You Lord for dreams and hopes. They keep my courage alive and give me enthusiasm for the day.
June 5
Today I am simply thankful for the tender eyes of my wife. She has often used her tenderness on me and it has melted this selfish heart of mine.
June 4
What if love was like a cafeteria line where you could pick who and what you wanted on your plate? Not that in-law or this neighbour but that one with extra cheese? Until you have laid down your life for your friends, especially those times you really don’t understand but you do it anyway, you will find it hard to understand that the first sentence today is false love.
June 3
Thank You God for all You have permitted. The beauty around me, within me, and beside me is astounding! Life is in the birds, the trees, the bugs, my family. The sun shines at Your command and the rain waters the earth with Your providence.