August 17

The future lies before you; uncharted and awaiting you. Make the choice today to make tomorrow better than yesterday, and be thankful for the opportunity of tomorrow.

August 12

Pets can add so much to one’s life. Some people like cats and some like dogs, others like fish or hamsters. Remember to give your pet a hug today; unless it’s a fish.

August 11

Are you thankful for commitments or promises? Either the ones you have made or what others have made to you? I am thankful today that commitments can be made and that trust can be built by keeping these promises.

August 10

Thank You Lord for the times You have come to meet me as I travel life’s road. You have appeared in many different ways and have touched and colored my life many times and I thank You for each time.

August 9

Please remember today that you were created in God’s image. This alone should inspire you to feel loved by God.


August 8

I am thankful for the energy that keeps me working. Many people lack energy due to chemotherapy, blood sugar levels, improper iron levels, etc.

August 6

Thank You Lord for the intercession that Jesus does for us. He understands so well, knows our needs, and pleads with such earnestness. Jesus gave His all on the cross and today He is still giving His all for me.

August 5

I marvel at the simplicity of children. They are enthralled with little things. They are delighted when they get attention. I wish I were a child because being an adult is so much harder.

August 4

Thank You Father that after 11 years of marriage I still find my wife beautiful. And it seems that as the years roll I still discover new beauty within her.