For all of the problems to which you don’t understand just remember that love is the answer.
September 16
A father is someone who listens. He hears the first cries of a newborn. He listens as his toddler tries new words. He comforts by listening when his children have scary dreams. He visits with his teenagers. Our Lord is out there somewhere listening to each of His children today.
September 15
Last night I crept into each of our children’s bedrooms and listened to them sleeping peacefully. I thanked the Lord for each of my children, I thanked Him for our peaceful home, and I begged Him to lend His hand to guide us down the path of life. I wonder does our Father do the same to me? Father, help me to open my eyes to see the expanse of Your love.
September 14
Love is better than anger, Hope is better than fear, and optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful, and optimistic and we can change the world.
September 13
Some people search for a beautiful place and others make a place beautiful.
September 12
Let’s live in such a way that if someone spoke bad of us no one would believe it.
September 11
I commit myself again today to continually drawing closer to God and to give my best for Him and to others.
September 10
I am thankful for rules of the road that keep us safe.
September 9
Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.
September 8
I am thankful for the quiet creek in the woods. Contemplation, reflection, and serenity can be found by your banks.
September 7
Encouragement is a far more powerful teaching tool then punishment is, give words of affirmation today.
September 6
Wherever you are be all there. Multitasking is overrated. Your family will appreciate if you are focused on them, not half at work.
September 5
Make peace with the past so that today is carefree.
September 4
Unless you have been a father you can only imagine how it tickles a father’s heart to hear his young daughter say “I love you” at bedtime.
September 3
Thank You, Law Enforcement Officers, for keeping us safe and at peace!