Thank You Lord for the quiet times in the morning when we meet together. Sometimes it feels like we just sit quietly together and I lean into You. It is enough to give me courage for the day.
October 1
Thank You Lord for the beautiful colours of Fall. Many times the beauty You create has been copied in photographs and paintings but the original is unsurpassed.
September 30
I used to boast about the good deals I could get in business but the emotions I went through to get there were frustration, anger, stress, fear, etc. Anyone who has tried to buy a vehicle can understand those emotions. However, I no longer pride myself on getting the best deal financially but focus on smiles, good-will, charity both on my part and with the one I am dealing with. It is never a good deal when only one party thinks it is.
September 29
Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass but learning to dance in the rain.
September 28
When writing the story of your life don’t let anyone else hold the pen.
September 27
Thank you lord that we have enough to share with others.
September 26
Never let a bad day make you believe you have a bad life. Live above the things you cannot change.
September 25
Remember today to confess a fault you have or a mistake you made and then cheerfully go on with life. You will be amazed how freeing confession is.
September 24
I want to become more aware of what is really worth my energy. So much energy is spent on negative thinking but it is not worth it.
September 23
God, I can’t say it in words can you please just listen through my heart.
September 22
Someday in heaven I am going to kneel before my Lord and thank Him profusely and the best way I know how for my children; thank Him that they needed me and I needed them.
September 21
I watched my wife carry something together with our 2-year-old. It was slow, inconvenient, and more work but our child wanted to help. Is your life slow enough that your children can learn with actions not just by watching or, God forbid, nagging?
September 20
Today I was thinking dark thoughts and again I had to remind myself that an entire sea cannot sink a ship unless it gets inside. No negativity allowed inside my ship.
September 19
Thank You Lord that I enjoy praying with my wife. So many times resentment in relationships hinders prayers but when we surrender our ideas to God He sends forgiveness.
September 18
I am thankful that our home is more than a shelter from the night.