October 17

Sometimes when I feel down and question whether God cares for me I have asked my children “Does Jesus love Daddy?” I have always gotten the response of a very positive “Yes!”

October 16

We have a cute 2-year-old with a heart of gold. When she sees someone crying she, without prompting, goes to give the hurting person a hug. I am amazed many times at the compassion of children.

October 11

Thank You Lord for the talents You created in me. So often I envy the talents of others and down myself but You knew what You wanted when You created me.

September 8

One big thing I am thankful for is the ability to laugh. At times I have felt so sad that I doubt I will ever laugh again but, amazingly, it always comes back.

October 3

It’s important to make someone happy and it’s best if you start with yourself. Clean out the unhappiness, find something to smile about, and then share that smile with others.