Thank You Lord for the peaceful and happy memories I have of childhood. I grew up in a happy, united, and Christian home.
October 29
Lord, You have tens of thousands of angels to do Your bidding. I thank You for each and every time You have sent them to care for me, comfort me, protect me, and for all they do for the living here on earth.
October 28
Thank You Lord for the ability to hear. Life is so enriching when we hear the giggle of children, the waves of the ocean, the distress of an animal, and even silence can be profound.
October 27
Thank You Lord for tears. They communicate the words we are unable to say.
October 26
Today I am thankful for time. So often it seems I don’t have enough of it but I want to grasp each moment and live to the fullest.
October 25
Do all emotions have a good and a bad side? For instance, if we find joy in seeing others fail then joy is not a good thing. I want to be careful with my emotions rather then blindly trusting the “good” ones and fearing the “bad” ones.
October 24
Today I am thankful for every meaningful conversation I have had. I have many of them with my wife as we plan our lives and dreams but others have also been part of sharing words of wisdom with me.
October 23
Today I am thankful for the smell of home cooking. So often I come into the house and I can tell immediately that my wife has been working hard.
October 22
Today I want to be thankful for books. They enrich our lives with knowledge and entertainment.
October 21
One thing that can make your heart skip a beat is to see your 8-year-old running to hug your 2-year-old. Such beauty. Recently our oldest daughter stayed a few days at her Grandma’s place and when she came home she made a beeline for her youngest sister, she was just so glad to see her!
October 20
Recently, after being in the public spotlight I received numerous compliments. Although others helped and supported me and the Lord gave the direction, it sure feels good to get a compliment and I want to hand them out liberally to others.
October 19
Thank You Lord for the sunshine today. It has been mostly cloudy for a few weeks but now we have beautiful clear skies.
October 18
Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong.
October 17
Sometimes when I feel down and question whether God cares for me I have asked my children “Does Jesus love Daddy?” I have always gotten the response of a very positive “Yes!”
October 16
We have a cute 2-year-old with a heart of gold. When she sees someone crying she, without prompting, goes to give the hurting person a hug. I am amazed many times at the compassion of children.