Today I am thankful for thankfulness. So many gloomy days can become sunny when there is thankfulness in the heart.
December 1
If you live to far south you miss out on a unique feature of nature; aurora borealis or Northern Lights. It is one of those features of nature that bring meaning to life.
November 30
Just a few days ago I was having terrible, depressing thoughts; self-pitying thoughts. I cried to the Lord to deliver me. It wasn’t but 5 minutes later when the Lord sent an angel to deliver me; my 5-year-old boy came into the shop where I was working, he wanted to see what I was doing and wanted to talk and be with me. Just another miracle from our Lord.
November 29
Thank You Lord that You are not a respecter of persons but that You offer love freely to each one.
November 28
Nature is hugely intriguing. Have you heard or seen phytoplankton? I love nature and it makes life enjoyable!
November 27
Thank You Lord that my children smile and laugh. So many children suffer from hunger, stress, or sickness that life is serious. May my children have a happy childhood.
November 26
I surely do appreciate the cooking in our home. My wife sometimes asks me for suggestions and I try to give some but so often I take for granted what takes a lot of time, effort, and planning.
November 25
Always make today awesome and yesterday jealous that it was not as great.
November 24
Learn to be indifferent about what makes no difference. Don’t sweat the things that will not matter in 20 years.
November 23
Are you a daydream believer? Today is the day to start grasping your dreams and singing on the path of life.
November 22
Today I am awed by space. Such deepness and vast expanse in which I am set into.
November 21
You don’t have to be rich to sparkle!
November 20
It doesn’t matter how slow you go as long as you don’t stop. Take life in the slow lane.
November 19
Life is tough but so are you. Show up for life today and win.
November 18
Today I am thankful for the people who obey the rules of the road and pull over to talk or text on their phone.