December 14

I have a longing today to praise God. I read the story of Peter healing the man at the gate called “Beautiful” and how he leaped and praised the Lord. May my heart bubble over with praise!

December 10

As a testimony to the wonders of science small pox has all but been eradicated. Appreciate the advances in science today and be thankful that you do not have to worry about a disease that could kill you or at least disfigure you.

December 8

Thank You Father for the many times I hear singing in the kitchen. It makes a man enthused to come home to a singing, happy wife who has prepared food with love.

December 6

Often told about in First Nation’s folklore is a white buffalo. We have a unique albino buffalo at the zoo in Winnipeg. Celebrate nature and enjoy the creation God has made!

December 3

Today I long to be the hand of the Lord reaching out to those who are down, oppressed, sad, depressed, whatever. I can not be the Lord (and don’t want to) but I long to be used by Him to help those who are around me, if nothing else then with a simple smile.