Today I want to care more about other people but less about what they think of me.
November 14
I am thankful today for every time someone has thrown rocks at me and I have used them as stepping stones to go higher instead of letting the rocks bring me down.
November 13
I am thankful that not all the lines and wrinkles on my face are from worry; some are laughter lines.
November 12
The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon but that we wait so long to begin it. Today is the day to be happy, thankful, and enthused.
November 11
Be thankful and remember today that freedom has a cost.
November 10
There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. Except maybe to Grandpa’s!
November 9
Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay then it’s not the end.
November 8
I do not have the power to make life fair but I have the power to make life joyful.
November 7
Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage. So today I will cast away the gloom and be enthused.
November 6
Thank You Lord that the sufferings in this life are temporary. It is because of our sin that life difficult but You have created a hope of escape.
November 5
Thank You Lord that when You walked this earth You came to serve, not to be served. What an unselfish God You are!
November 4
God’s capacity to forgive is greater then our capacity to sin; while our sin reaches far God’s grace reaches farther.
November 3
Someday I want to tell Jesus face to face how much I love Him; I want to sing it for ten thousand years. He tells me each day He loves me so why should I not long for the day I can tell Him face to face?
November 2
If you need a friend today give Jesus a try.
November 1
No matter how terrible the storm may rage remember that the calmness of Jesus is greater then the fierceness of the storm.