I was mesmerized the other day by the quietly, peacefully falling snow. I am thankful for the beauty of nature.

I was mesmerized the other day by the quietly, peacefully falling snow. I am thankful for the beauty of nature.
Jesus has come! The balance of my sin is now even and I can be forgiven because Jesus has stepped on the side of the balance opposite my sin. No matter how big and heavy your sins are Jesus is more then capable to save you.
Thank You Lord for the ability to speak. They say that our voice box sits lower in our throat then other animals; this is one feature (among many) that must be for us to talk with each other.
Lord, Thank You for inspiring artists with the beautiful hymns about Christmas. Each year they are inspiring again.
Thank You Lord for Christmas! May each soul be blessed today.
Is it no wonder the angels could not keep from heralding such a birth as Christ?
Do you have a personal relationship with the Prince of Peace, the Counselor, the Mighty God? Christmas is the reason you can have peace in a troubled, evil world.
Thank You Lord for my siblings and my wife’s siblings and that we get together for family gatherings to renew our ties.
Thank you lord for sending your son in such a lowly way. He came not as a king demanding service but as a servant with a heart for the unfortunate.
Thank you lord for the story of the wise men who sought the promised child. Also thank you father that wise men still seek Christ today.
Grandparents remember and wish for the days of young children; this is why they often spoil their grandchildren. They remember when children came crying for a kiss when they got hurt. They remember the confidence little children put in their parents. They remember infants coming to snuggle on their laps. Parents remember the blessings you have and cherish them! You have a way into your child’s heart that no one can match.
Today I am thankful for responsible baby sitters. A night out can be so refreshing if you trust your sitter.
I am thankful today for everything that is simple.
Today I have a simple message; try a little enthusiasm, it will brighten your day.
Thank You Father for the quiet evening with my family yesterday.