Are you thankful for alarms? Alarms that warn of emergencies? How about alarms that wake you in the morning? Although they are not enjoyable they provide a service that is invaluable.

Are you thankful for alarms? Alarms that warn of emergencies? How about alarms that wake you in the morning? Although they are not enjoyable they provide a service that is invaluable.
If you are renewed by grace, and were to meet your old self, I am sure you would be very anxious to get out of his company.
Thank You Father that You deliver us from fear.
Thank You Father that You answer prayer.
Thank You Father that You have promised that we will rise again to a new life.
Thank You Lord that You have promised to help us in the hour of temptation.
Thank You Lord that we can have love, joy, and peace in our hearts if we accept Jesus there.
Thank You Lord that You created me and that You do not make mistakes.
Thank You Lord that Your love is unconditional and as long as there is time You continue to love.
I am thankful for a warm garage to store our vehicles in.
I am thankful for the printing press and what it has done for knowledge.
I am thankful today for winter clothing that allows us to work even in extreme weather.
I am thankful that my wife can and does fix my clothes if I tear them.
I am thankful today for cupboards to store and organize things.
Thank You Father for strong, nimble fingers.