February 27

Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady feeling for the ultimate good of the loved person. Today I will try to think well of others so that love can be in my heart.

February 20

Winston Churchill said: “Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.” Hold on to your enthusiasm today.

02 Sep 1949, London, England, UK — British statesman Winston Churchill in 1949, smoking one of his beloved cigars as he leaves the plane that brought him back from a continental holiday. He caught cold while swimming on the Riviera, but soon recovered. — Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS

February 19

Recently I had coffee with a childhood friend who has been in trouble with the law and was currently reporting to a probation officer. I felt sorry for him but I was also extremely thankful for the purpose and commitments Jesus has brought to my life.

February 18

It is amazing how people every where are drawn to little children and love to talk and interact with them. I am thankful for such experiences our children have that teach them to communicate and respond to others.

February 15

I am sometimes amazed at how grumpy children can be, but on the positive side I am sometimes amazed how they coup. Recently we spent many hours on the road and our 2-year-old did very little to no complaining but spent considerable time singing.