While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.
March 16
It doesn’t matter how big your house is, it only matters that there is love in it.
March 15
Remember that the only ones that truly know your story are the ones who help you write it. Remember to stand by the ones you are helping to write a story with.
March 14
I am so thankful for the enthusiasm our children showed to see us again after being gone a few days.
March 13
Despite the terrifying news recently of plane crashes, we are so thankful that we could fly safely yesterday.
March 12
We recently went to a funeral of a dear uncle and I am thankful that good-byes are not forever if you believe in heaven.
March 11
Thank You Father that our children like to come to town with me and they find it entertaining. So many would rather stay home to play video games.
March 10
To be trusted is a greater compliment then to be loved. And we all like to be loved.
March 9
Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Spring is making the world come alive again.
March 8
I surely am happy for the bright, warm sun in spring. The days can still be cold but the sun has power.
March 7
Thank You Lord that Your compassion and love is greater than that of humans. So many times we compare God to humans around us but He is incomparable, just read the stories of Jesus for insight into His love.
March 6
When my time has come to go my many failings can be listed in the obituary. However I want the story to include Jesus how, after my failings put Him to death, He offered me a new life with Him.
March 5
You cannot despair if you remember that your God is omnipotent.
March 4
Get rid of doubt and fear today and embrace enthusiasm. Don’t be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.
March 3
The sun never looked down on anything half so good as a household laughing together over a meal. – C.S. Lewis