If you give out of your surplus you are not generous; today try being truly unselfish and give while you are lacking. Sharing with others will surely bring blessings if it is from the heart.

If you give out of your surplus you are not generous; today try being truly unselfish and give while you are lacking. Sharing with others will surely bring blessings if it is from the heart.
When a marriage union bolsters both partner’s spirits and emotions then it is on solid ground. If yours is weakening you, try a little more unselfishness.
They say the only way for a father to raise a family is to be with it. I re-commit to spending more time with my family. I guess we should go to the zoo or something.
Thank You Lord once again for the rain we have had. We have had such a dry year here in southeast Manitoba that I am thankful each time and enjoy the smell and sound of rain!
Thank You, Father, that I am gifted at music and that I can help and instruct others. Help me to use this gift for You.
Thank You, Father, for the wonderful years of fulfilling marriage we have had so far.
Thank You, Lord for inspiring me many times.
Thank You Lord for every time I have made a decision to put my selfishness aside and do something for You or others. It is only because You loved me first.
Thank You Father for the times You have reminded me to willingly and cheerfully do a project for my wife. Usually my first reaction is grouchiness.
Recently there was a teenage girl kidnapped in our neighbourhood. She managed to escape before harm was done. But I was sure impressed with the way the community pulled together through it and looked out for each other!
I am so thankful that our children love their little sister enough to watch out for her in the swimming pool.
Thank You Father for the times You have stopped me in my tracks and made me promise to be happy no matter how difficult life was then.
I am sure thankful for our reliable vehicles.
I sure enjoy the awesome fireworks in summer!
Thank You Lord for the wonderful country we can live in!