No man is poor who has a Godly mother.
August 6
Know the difference between enjoying your youth and destroying your future.
August 5
Not all support involves money, believing in someone is priceless.
August 4
When people say they can’t see anything good in you; hug them and say life is difficult for the blind.
August 3
When your find someone who’s soul is heavy lend them the space between your arms to hold them up.
August 2
Instead of counting down the days, make the days count.
August 1
We don’t stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing.
July 31
Never be ashamed of a scar; it simply means you are stronger than whatever hurt you.
July 30
When facing giants today, don’t focus on how big they are but how big your God is.
July 29
Today pray for those who need a miracle that God will make a way.
July 28
Rock bottom can be the solid foundation on which you rebuild your life.
July 27
An educated mind can entertain a thought without accepting it.
July 26
More is lost by indecision than by wrong decision.
July 25
May the improving of your own life keep you so busy that you have not time to criticize others.
July 24
Peace is not something wished for; it is something made.