When it snows you can choose to shovel or make snow angels.
Author: admin
January 19
Focus not on success but rather spend time for things of value.
January 18
Stop overthinking and live life with what you know.
January 17
Snow beautifies everything it covers; just like kindness.
January 16
Just shut your eyes and pretend the snow around you is a white sand beach.
January 15
Thank You, Lord, for every spiritual hill You have helped me up. The view from the top is tremendous!
January 14
Sometimes you just need to let the kid loose and jump in the puddles.
January 13
At what temperature does your heart start to melt?
January 12
Thank the Lord for whatever nose He created you with.
January 11
When life hands you snow make a snowman.
January 10
The magic of falling snow may be gone for the season but you can still enjoy life.
January 9
Life becomes like a bird that cannot fly if we forget to dream.
January 8
The roots of education are bitter but the fruit is sweet.
January 7
Laughter will be like sunshine driving the winter off your face.
January 6
Thank You, Father, for life within.