Hug your family today.
Author: admin
March 22
The perfect marriage is just two imperfect people loving and forgiving each other.
March 21
The sturdiest trees are found at the edge of the forest where they suffer the worst of the storm.
March 20
Learn to forget injuries and remember kindnesses.
March 18
When the day ends I will be thankful that my blessings are bigger then my problems.
March 17
The beauty in today is only limited by your perception.
March 16
If it feels like you’re limping down the pathway of life be courageous and keep moving forward.
March 14
Imitate a lighthouse instead of a ship; shine instead of blowing your horn.
March 13
If you have your heart right with Christ He will visit often.
March 12
God gives us strength to face difficult times only when the trial appears.
March 11
Earth is not heaven; life will be difficult. Just keep smiling.
March 10
An unthankful heart discovers no mercies.
March 9
Do you use the power of touch to injure or to heal?
March 8
Jesus didn’t teach His followers to rule the world, He taught them to wash feet.
March 7
The greatest gift you can give your children is a God-centered, stable marriage.