Lord, enable me to live all my days in gratitude to You.
Author: admin
January 17
Many men are fond of counting and worrying about their troubles and forget to count their joys.
January 16
Want to know who know far more about a life of joy and blessings than we do? Our God.
January 15
Deep, reckless love does not care about the worthiness of its object. This is the love of Jesus.
January 14
An ungrateful heart cannot find mercy but a thankful heart finds many heavenly blessings.
January 13
True friendship isn’t about being there when it’s convenient, it’s about being there when it’s not.
January 12
Trying to control everything is a sure way to have a dramatic, tense life.
January 11
You’ll never be disappointed when you do everything in your power to please God.
January 10
Time is something everyone desires most but often it’s what we use the worst.
January 9
Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being excited about what could go right.
January 8
Once you realize the monsters are inside you, you can stop checking under the bed.
January 7
One of the best lessons you can master in life is how to remain calm.
January 6
When you’re up to your neck in mud start singing.
January 5
Kindness keeps coming back the more you try to give it away.
January 4
Sometimes one has to speak one’s mind even if our voice shakes.