You can only win when your mind is stronger than your emotions.
Author: admin
October 10
True love isn’t found; it’s built.
October 9
Happy Thanksgiving Day! Search for gratefulness in the corners of your heart and mind.
October 7
There is nothing as strong or safe in an emergency as the simple truth.
October 6
The greatest prison you can live in is the fear of what other people think.
October 5
Don’t let a wishbone grow where a backbone should be.
October 4
What is the difference between school and life? In school you are taught a lesson and then given a test but in life you are given a test that might teach you a lesson.
October 3
A second chance doesn’t mean anything if you haven’t learned the lesson the first time.
October 2
If we had not faults of our own we would take no pleasure in noticing the faults of others.
October 1
Instead of laying a red carpet for yourself to walk on; make yourself into a bridge where others can use the wisdom you have learned.
September 30
God judges your faithfulness, not your effectiveness.
September 29
Jesus called the poor blessed and the rich needy, and ministered to both.
September 28
Stop trying to love all of humanity and start loving people.
September 27
The win is coming; don’t let the when worry you.
September 26
Your most effective ministry will come from your deepest hurts.