It’s not about who is real to your face; it’s about who stays loyal behind your back.
Author: admin
October 18
Sometime it would be nice to say, “Alexa, turn my feelings off.”
October 17
Talk with people who make you see the world differently than you.
October 16
Today, instead of telling God about all of your troubles, try approaching Him and standing there until He notices you and tells you how beautiful you are; then ask Him if you can sit on His lap.
October 15
Your relationship should be seen as a safe haven, not a battlefield.
October 14
Maturity is when you have the power to destroy someone who did you wrong, but you simply breathe and walk away.
October 13
The best use of life is love, the best expression of love is time, and the best time to love is now.
October 12
Make peace with your broken pieces.
October 11
You can only win when your mind is stronger than your emotions.
October 10
True love isn’t found; it’s built.
October 9
Happy Thanksgiving Day! Search for gratefulness in the corners of your heart and mind.
October 7
There is nothing as strong or safe in an emergency as the simple truth.
October 6
The greatest prison you can live in is the fear of what other people think.
October 5
Don’t let a wishbone grow where a backbone should be.
October 4
What is the difference between school and life? In school you are taught a lesson and then given a test but in life you are given a test that might teach you a lesson.