Interested Uncles

Now at Christmas we went to a large family gathering. Most of my wife’s uncles and aunts were there so they would be great uncles/aunts to our children. One spousal uncle and aunt were unable to have children and it has disappointed them greatly. However, he has invested heavily in taking interest in first his nieces and nephews and now, in later years, his great nieces and nephews. It has always impressed me the time he takes for them despite it likely being somewhat of a sore spot for him that he could not have his own. May he be blessed for his interest. I am thankful for people that brighten others lives with their unselfishness.

Unselfishness of Strangers

I saw a man stranded the other day beside the road with a flat tire. There was another vehicle that was stopped to help. May we never forget to help strangers because someday we may also be in need of help and also because some have been angels in disguise to those in need.


I am thankful for the good memories I have, I can spend many pleasurable hours in reflection. I am also thankful for the disappointing memories and regrets I have, they have inspired me to do better.

To my lovely wife. . .

Into my life you wandered, when least expected and most welcome. Little did I know it then and am only realizing it now how much fuller and complete things feel with your presence. Even though far in distance never doubt you are close in my heart. Thank you for all your inspiration, my muse, my glowing candlelight in the darkness. My dearest wish is that I may inspire others as you have done me. For truly, we are all here to help and inspire, to love and be loved. Anything less is just surviving, not truly living. So once again I thank you, for being the being that you are.

Can I be thankful for my problems?

There is a saying that we should be thankful for our problems because if they were less difficult then someone with less ability might have our job. The Bible says we will not be tempted above what we can stand but that the Lord will make a way to escape. So then if the Lord allows a temptation in my life He must have confidence that I am strong enough to stand but weak enough to depend on Him.

I need God

On my poor days I need the Lord, on my good days I thank the Lord, and on my great days I praise the Lord. Thank You Lord for being part of my life in whatever state I am.

I have TODAY

I want to be cheerful today, I have today to be happy, I want to be thankful today, I today to be positive. I will not let the troubles of yesterday extend to today. I will not let the worries of the future trouble me today.

Praising the Creator

We have a beautiful, full, red poinsettia on our table given to us as a gift. It is praising its Creator with all its might. I want to be positive, thankful, and to praise my Creator with all my might. 

Christmas Peace

Men every where are searching for contentment. They are searching for peace, for freedom from the darkness inside that plagues us. I can relate well to searching for release from depression, fears, stress. Today I choose to focus on the peace that Jesus extends to me through the Christmas story and it is sufficient for my needs today. 

The Christmas Blessing

Have you stopped today to consider the blessing God gave to this world? The sacrificing of His precious child because of His great love! What unfathomable love! He sent Christ to be a sacrifice for my sins. Thank You! This not something that one can take in with a simple reading or thought but one must ponder it to understand.

Christmas Joy

I am thankful for joy. I wish each and every one a bubbling well of joy. I see joy in my children when they open gifts and if it kept them joyful I would continually give them gifts but sadly spoiling them does not help. I see joy when we drizzle maple syrup in the snow for candy. I see joy when we make snow angels. I see joy and enthusiasm when we go sledding. Thank you for joy.

The Christmas Picture

I really enjoy the visual perfectness of Christmas. Here in Manitoba we can have the softly floating snowflakes amidst the houses with Christmas lights, the sparkling snow, the evergreen trees laden with snow, the cheery fires, the prettily wrapped gifts, the frosty puffs of breath, and so on. It can be Christmas card perfect. I could sit for hours and enjoy the beauty.

Humble Birth

Christ took on Himself no pretentions or pride but came in a lowly way to this earth. He came to heal the lonely, the broken, the down. He came for those in need of a saviour. I am so glad He stooped low enough so that He could enter my heart and be part of my life, despite my constant failings.

Christmas Harmony

We often hear Christmas songs during this season and they are beautiful. The Bible says the angels sang to the shepherds long ago in the hills of Judea. I wonder how that would compare to the singing we hear. I wonder if in heaven they sing Christmas songs in this season? I can hardly imagine they would ignore Christmas there. I want to someday hear those songs sung by angels.

Christmas is about Giving

I am thankful that Christmas is about giving, not receiving. I tend to forget that and think about myself but I have made a commitment to give and be cheerful about it this Christmas. I believe this is part of the path to happiness.