Christmas in Heaven

I know Christmas is passed but I was reflecting on it today and I wondered what Christmas in Heaven will be like. Will there be snow? Will there be a manger scene? Surely the angels will sing the songs they sang to the shepherds. I would love to see a full and real re-enactment of that day so long ago. It is something to look forward to and hope for. Surely such a big event will be celebrated in heaven.

God Reminds

I am thankful that the Lord reminds and speaks to me. It is often hard for my flesh to take but I am just so thankful that my God loves me and wants a personal relationship with me. I want to be positive about the reminders He gives.

Whispers of Love

Our youngest daughter (who only says a few words yet) has taken to whispering sweet nothings when I rock her to sleep. It is so sweet and I am so blessed. She will sit on my lap with her teddy and while I sing she looks at my face and occasionally she will whisper nonsense to me. She likes to jabber nonsense but it is so cute to here whisper! May you be blessed with people who inspire you.

I am healthy

I am thankful today that I am healthy. So many suffer, even young people like me. I can work, I can play with my children. I have eyes, ears, nose, and fingers to enjoy the world around me. I want to remember to think positive thoughts and be thankful.

Flowers kissed the feet of Jesus

I was visiting with a friend recently and he left the thought that as Jesus walked this earth that the flowers kissed His feet in honor of His majesty. Can’t you see those flowers obeying the will of the Creator and glorifying Him and praising Him? Thank You Lord for the beautiful flowers.

Mercy is knew every day

I am thankful for the forgiveness of my children. So often I get frustrated with them, I get impatient, I get angry. Yet they keep coming back, they trust me when I fail them. I don’t know how I can repay them but this I know that I will try again today to let them know I love them.

The Good Shepherd

Before I gave my life to God I lived in sin. I was not happy. I faced despair and depression. I let self rule. In all of this my Shepherd was patient, He was understanding, He kept calling on me, He cared. His name is Jesus and He is gentle. Thank You Lord for loving me so much!

No pain or sorrow

The Bible is vague on what heaven will be like. Many people who have experienced visions of heaven speak of overwhelming peace. I cannot speculate on what heaven holds but I can tell you somethings that will not be there. There will be no pain or sorrow or tears. There will be no temptations or sin. There will be no death. Thank You Lord for providing a release earthly things that would drag us to despair.

Why not give God a try?

If your looking for a friend who will stay with you why not give God a try? If you need a helping hand right now why not ask God for help? God expects us to do many things but I have often been amazed at the answers or help He gives me. Sometimes it is as simple as peace in a stressful day. Thank you Lord!


Some years ago we went through a very stressful time. The job I had and loved fell apart when I was told I was not wanted anymore. The bosses and we are friends. I still do not understand the accusations and the reasons for it but there is one thing I learned I can do even though it is very difficult. I can lay down my life for my friends. Thank You Lord for giving me enough love to do that.

Silence in God’s presence

There have been difficult times in my life. Times when I come to the Lord in prayer and don’t know what to say or ask. I have learned that I don’t have to say anything, He understands before I approach him. There have been many times the Lord and I have sat in silence together and He has healed me, healed my  sadness, healed my tears. I am so thankful to worship a God who works miracles.

Cuddly 1-year-olds

I am sure many of you have experienced cuddly children. I have a 1-year-old daughter that likes to look at books and she likes to do it by me. I will lay on the floor and often it does not take long and she will bring a book and sit up against me and look at it quietly. Oh, how rich blessings I have!

Heaven is calling

I recently was talking to a widow. Her husband has been gone due to cancer almost a year. I asked how she coped. She said a number of things but one thing I took note of is, “I have more reasons to go to heaven now.”The call from heaven is stronger for her than it was before, she wants to see her husband. I had to think, “That is a positive way of approaching it.”


I am so thankful for forgiveness. I am thinking today specifically of between spouses. I recently disappointed my wife with my actions and, more than that, I took advantage of her. It took me a few days to admit it to myself but when I did I realized that I would need to talk to her about it and ask forgiveness. I managed to do that and she surprised me by forgiving me immediately. She is so beautiful, especially on the inside. She can honestly put these things behind her and forget them. May she be blessed and may I be thankful for her mercy and not take advantage of it.

Glorifying the Creator

I was impressed as I looked at the snow covered landscape today by the trees. They have been put in a harsh environment but yet they do their best to add beauty and be who the Creator wants them to be. Why should I not praise God like the trees do? Why do I so often turn ugly if things become harsh for me? How can I praise Him more?