We have a beautiful, full, red poinsettia on our table given to us as a gift. It is praising its Creator with all its might. I want to be positive, thankful, and to praise my Creator with all my might.
Author: admin
Christmas Peace
Men every where are searching for contentment. They are searching for peace, for freedom from the darkness inside that plagues us. I can relate well to searching for release from depression, fears, stress. Today I choose to focus on the peace that Jesus extends to me through the Christmas story and it is sufficient for my needs today.
The Christmas Blessing
Have you stopped today to consider the blessing God gave to this world? The sacrificing of His precious child because of His great love! What unfathomable love! He sent Christ to be a sacrifice for my sins. Thank You! This not something that one can take in with a simple reading or thought but one must ponder it to understand.
Christmas Joy
I am thankful for joy. I wish each and every one a bubbling well of joy. I see joy in my children when they open gifts and if it kept them joyful I would continually give them gifts but sadly spoiling them does not help. I see joy when we drizzle maple syrup in the snow for candy. I see joy when we make snow angels. I see joy and enthusiasm when we go sledding. Thank you for joy.
The Christmas Picture
I really enjoy the visual perfectness of Christmas. Here in Manitoba we can have the softly floating snowflakes amidst the houses with Christmas lights, the sparkling snow, the evergreen trees laden with snow, the cheery fires, the prettily wrapped gifts, the frosty puffs of breath, and so on. It can be Christmas card perfect. I could sit for hours and enjoy the beauty.
Humble Birth
Christ took on Himself no pretentions or pride but came in a lowly way to this earth. He came to heal the lonely, the broken, the down. He came for those in need of a saviour. I am so glad He stooped low enough so that He could enter my heart and be part of my life, despite my constant failings.
Christmas Harmony
We often hear Christmas songs during this season and they are beautiful. The Bible says the angels sang to the shepherds long ago in the hills of Judea. I wonder how that would compare to the singing we hear. I wonder if in heaven they sing Christmas songs in this season? I can hardly imagine they would ignore Christmas there. I want to someday hear those songs sung by angels.
Christmas is about Giving
I am thankful that Christmas is about giving, not receiving. I tend to forget that and think about myself but I have made a commitment to give and be cheerful about it this Christmas. I believe this is part of the path to happiness.
There are many things to be thankful for at Christmas and I would like to focus on them over the next few days. One of the big things is family. I am thankful for my family, my wife, my children, my siblings, my parents, cousins, grandparents, nieces, nephews, etc. I am also thankful that Christmas brings families together and they can have a meal together. I would like to quote a part of a poem I have heard. When you and I, and all of us; smile, shake hands, say peace; then the world becomes a better place. May you and I follow this positive path this Christmas.
Astonishment at God
Have you ever been astonished at God? Has He ever surprised you and you had to think “God loves me that much that He would do this for me”? Maybe it’s a song or verse that suddenly pops into your mind when you are feeling blue and totally changes your emotions. Does God have a sense of humor? May you remember to thank the Lord for His care for you.
Natural Love
Sometimes we get frustrated with our children. Sometimes it is even beyond frustration. I am glad, though, that I am hurt as are they when I am impatient. I am happy to say that love for them is not hard, it comes bubbling up after I deal with my problems. Many times I focus on how I have failed again but today I want to be thankful for that love that is there and especially that it is a constant. If you are tempted to blame your children for not being who you want them to be may you beg God for more love.
Cheery Fire
Why are our eyes drawn to fire? What is it about flames that causes us to watch? I am not sure I understand but I believe it has an emotional response inside of us and to watch a fire can bring us cheer.
Apology brings Peace
Our daughter broke a small gadget while we were visiting at a friend’s house. As parents, we found out just as we were to leave. My wife then took our daughter back in to apologize. I am not wanting to flaunt our child training skills (we are just as terrible at it as you) but I want to bring out two positive things. First of all, our daughter was relieved and could rest with an easy conscience. Secondly, our friends respected the apology and respected what we were trying to teach our daughter which made it a very positive experience for her. May you try your best at whatever you are doing (child-training) and spend some time each day focusing on your good accomplishments instead of your failures. I also hope the people around you are understanding and supportive.
God specializes in IMPOSSIBLE
I love reading the stories of Jesus and the miracles He performed. I also love to hear the simple stories of children’s prayers being answered. Have you heard these stories or experienced them? God specializes in the impossible and He loves to perform miracles. It is said that there are three answers to prayer: yes, no, and wait. I want to thank God for being a God who is more powerful than impossible.
How does light break through?
How do thoughts of good break through the dark thoughts? Do you fight with depression, fears, doubts, stress? Is it close to despair? Please find someone who cares and tell them your thoughts. It is said that darkness or blackness is the absence of light, so can we dispel the gloomy thoughts by having one good thought, which then shines and lights up the dark? And for the light to keep shining do we not just need to have one positive thought after another? It sounds simpler then it is but before you get discouraged and say “It won’t work”, give it an honest effort!!