When I had nothing He gave me everything

I have exchanged nothing for everything. I came to Jesus with nothing to offer and He, in compassion, gave me everything. He has put a song in my heart. He gave me peace and quietness in exchange for the din and roaring inside of me. I reach for His hand today again that I might receive enough of this living water to help me rule my day rather than my day ruling me.

Multitudes followed Jesus

I read about the crowds that followed Jesus and my heart cries to be one of those followers. Jesus had a way of connecting with them. He could look right into their hearts and they needed only to look into His eyes to see the compassion He had. Many believed in the change He held out to them and corrected their ways. Those miracles are still happening today even though they are not as obvious. Be part of the multitude.

The smartest one gives in

My Mom used tell me and my siblings when we fought that “The smartest one gives in.” I can not always be right and I can not always win arguments and I usually get hurt when there are arguments but I can always give in. No matter if I am hurt, right, or wrong I can always give in. I want to be thankful for this small blessing.

10 years of love

I have been with my wife more than ten years. It is good. I love her dearly and she loves me. We have had our ups and downs but we have both learned forgiveness. The only thing I could wish for was at least another 10 years.

The Comforter comes to me

The Comforter is spoken of in the scriptures and I have experienced the Holy Spirit as a Comforter. He come sometimes when I am lonely. He comes when I am sad. He comes when I have been tempted and the fight has been hard. Sometimes we sit in silence together. Sometimes He holds my hand. Sometimes He has a few words to say. I long for those moments with the Comforter.


I witnessed a gravestone that said “Forgiven” on it. I suppose the lady laid to rest there wanted the testimony left that God had forgiven her sins. Is there not a story behind each time forgiveness happens? Have you experienced such a story?  What is your story? Have you heard other stories? I wonder that when I am laid to rest would others be able to write “Forgiving” on my grave stone as a testimony to how I lived?

I thought – God thought

Have you ever thought that God would do things a certain way? Have you made plans and had them evaporate as things took a sudden turn? I find it hard to lay down my thoughts when God has different plans for me. However, there have been times I have just accepted the change and been cheerful; then I find God guides me through them.

My daughter enjoys being teased

I have 4 children, 3 of them are girls. The middle girl seems to enjoy being teased almost as much as I enjoy teasing her. She loves the game of tag and could play it for hours or a simple game of keep-away with a ball. Some of my other children tolerate being teased and others get bored by it but this girl will laugh just as hard as me when we chase each other in tag or wrestle for a ball. This is a highlight in my role as a father. I don’t want to overdo a good thing and hopefully I am wise enough to know when that is.

I can provide for my family

I am thankful today that I can provide for my family. I have a good job. I have hands and limbs that are fully functional. I am healthy. My family has all our needs filled plus we have some left over. I am so thankful for these gifts.

My heart knows love

My heart feels and knows love, my heart can receive love and it can give it away. The interesting thing about love is that the more you give away the more you have. Is that why God has so much love? Because He gives so much away? The only reason I can feel and know love is because my God has taught me, He first loved me. I am so thankful.

Reach for the hand of Jesus

Do you ever get weary of the fight against worry? Against fear? Against stress? Against depression? Are you tires of wearing your armour and sword in this fight? Today I choose to lay my armour and sword down and instead reach for the hand of Jesus. He can help me. This does not mean I will not fight but it means I will first ask my Saviour for help and then if He tells me to fight I will but I will first seek His face and mercy. It is a more positive way to fight stress when someone is fighting with me.

Do you feel cherished by God?

Do you feel the love of God? Has He recently spoken to you or done something for you? Has He inspired you with a song or a verse? I believe God loves to make us feel cherished. However, do not be discouraged even if you have not felt it recently but live in faith that He loves you. Simply ask Him to show His great love to you when he is ready to reveal it to you. And when He does this for you remember to thank Him and praise Him.

Singing calms the heart

When our oldest daughter was 2.5 years old she was sent to the basement of our new house to sleep by herself since we were expecting twins soon. Many times I would lie with her till she fell asleep or sometimes I would sing to her but eventually I weaned her off of that. Nevertheless it was scary for her to sleep down there all by herself. One day I heard some noises from down there after she had been sent to bed so I crept down the stairs to listen. She was softly singing “Jesus loves me” to herself. Unless you have children of your own you will find it hard to imagine what it does to a poor Daddy’s heart to hear that. It happened more than once and I often crept downstairs to listen. It was so sweet.

Casting all my care on the Lord

My son has been complaining about a sore leg for a while but I can find nothing wrong. He limps but his joints seem normal and no bruises or anything. Lately I have been plagued by the thought that maybe he has bone cancer and it scares me almost to the point of incapacitating me. However when I bring my cares to the Lord he lifts my burden and makes it His and I can face the day with courage.

Today is the Lord’s

I was regretting the past today and I realized needed to change my thought pattern. However, later I found myself worrying about the future. It is scary to realize that my day can be dictated by my mind, it can be sunny outside but cloudy and dark in my mind. There are many things I can’t control or change but I can be a servant for God and others today. I want to embrace that and try my best today and not be distracted by yesterday or tomorrow.